Chameleon Psychology provides psychological support and training for families, parents, children and teenagers and the people that help them. With more than 15 years of experience, my service focuses on the development and support of children and the people around them.

I also provide training and support for schools and other organisations who work with families, children and young adults.

Much like a chameleon, we all try to adapt to social situations. Sometimes it's difficult to match with different social environments or you are trying so hard that you forget about yourself.

Parents have to deal with different and changing environments. Home is the place where you can be yourself. This may prove difficult when there is a big difference in needs in your family. With children, you have to deal with their needs and help them. But you need your rest and safe place too. Are you having difficulties to keep your needs and those of your children in balance? If you keep changing colour like a chameleon, I can help you. Together we work towards a safe place at home where all family members work together to get a better home environment.

Children have to deal with different and changing environments. Some children have difficulties with changing settings and can't cope with the differences that change can bring. Other children have difficulties with being themselves and keep changing to please others. In both cases, it's difficult for the child and their environment to respond in a way to help the child grow up independently and safely.

I can help parents to help their children. I also work one-on-one or with small groups of children to help them to cope better with their emotions and how to deal with different social environments.